cover image Cross the Line

Cross the Line

Simone Soltani. Berkley, $19 trade paper (416p) ISBN 978-0-593-81814-5

Soltani’s slow-burning debut finds South Asian Formula 1 driver Dev Anderson desperate to win back his sponsors after his bitter former PR manager shares a series of embarrassing sexual posts on Anderson’s social media. He hires his best friend Oakley’s sister, mixed-race aspiring sports manager Willow Williams, who has mobility issues, to help give him an online rebrand. There’s just one wrinkle to their professional relationship: the long-simmering feelings that neither will admit to. Both view the relationship as off-limits because the last time Willow got involved with one of Oakley’s friends it ended in disaster. But as they navigate the misogynistic and often racist racing circuit, which takes them from Monaco to Abu Dhabi, the chemistry between them only intensifies. Soltani’s sensitive, diverse take on the typical sports romance is a breath of fresh air, helmed by a sexy cinnamon roll hero. Unfortunately, the plot drags in some places, especially as the stakes of Oakley learning about Dev and Willow’s involvement with each other never feel particularly high. Still, readers looking for gentle sports romance will want to check this out. (July)